Thursday, January 1, 2009

Questions about the goat house

Now that the school holidays is here, I am actually
visiting my grandma and staying in her house in the capital of Kelantan. After spending a week I finally able to ask those unanswered questions I had before the school holidays. The following are those questions that I asked her from time to time while having dinner and some other daily activities.

Key: My questions: normal
Grandma's answers: bold

Q1. What year was it built?

A1. The 1st go
at house was built in 1989. The latest (goat house no.2) was built in 2008 near to the Harithum Garden Centre. I saw this recent one during this holidays. I will discuss the history of the goat house in the future.

Q2. How many goats are in the first and latest one? How many are in total?

A2. The first goat house at the beginning had 3 goats (1mum +2 kids). They multiplied until now, The total is 32. The second goat house has 15 goats ( 13 mums + 3 kids ). In altogether the total is 47.

Q3. How big are those goat houses?

A3. a) The size of the first goat house is 4m wide, 5m length and 4m height above the ground at the highest point. This goat house is raised about 1meter.

b) The size of the second goat house is 5m wide, 10m long and 4m tall above the ground at the highest point. This goat house is not raised and it is using the ground as the floor so the goat can sleep on the ground.

Q4. How many generations?

A4. The goats has been there for 5 generations.

Q5. a) Do they become ill?

A5. a) An ill goat will not move, eat or sleep even drink water or milk for infant goats. They will make a lot of noise if they are uncomfortable like feeling cold and wet when it rains, or a drop in temperature.


The cause of illness as told by my grandma only know after a vet visits to the goat giving the medicine orally.The vet used a syringe to inject the medicine into the goat's mouth.
Without a needle of course!

b) What are the death causes?

b) Grandma told me that the infected goats with worms in their stomachs eventually became bloated and died except those which were free of worms.

Death events

In 2004, one night there was a lot of noise coming from the goat house. My uncle went to investigate using a three mode torchlight (flashlight). And he found upon entering the goat's land there were 2 white dogs, one was the mother dog and she was with her pup, they came from the neighborhood area and the dogs were trying to enter the goat house. My uncle quickly checked in the goat house to see whether there was any injured goats. Luckily all the goats are fine except they appeared nervous. So my uncle slowly chase out the dogs. The following morning my grandma found one dead goat near the fence. It was attacked and dragged away from the goat house. The dead goat was buried at the place where it was found. I think the dogs trespassed because they were hungry.

c) How many were slaughtered?

c) Five goats were slaughtered, 3 for Aqiqah and 2 for special
feasts at the mosque*. Aqiqah is a Muslim thanksgiving for the birth of a child. As a rule for a boy, two goats/sheeps are slaughtered and for a girl only a goat/sheep is required. The feast is to be held for family, relatives, friends and neighbors.

*This mosque belongs to my paternal great grandfather of my grandma's side.

Q6. Why do they need fire for day & night?

A6. My grandma said if it rains or when it becomes cooler around sunset, a small bonfire is made near the goat house so that the warmth will spread into the goat house. It also prevents the goats from stomach aches.

Q7. What are their fears?

A7. They fear rains because they will get wet and have stomach aches. The famous phrase in Malay is "You smell like a goat!" meaning someone who doesn't take his or her daily shower or bath.